Treating Mental Illness in New York, From All Angles · TreatingMentalIlnessNYC · Click Here to Read: Treating Mental Illness in New York, From All Angles by the Editorial Board of The New York Times on November25, 2015.
Category Archives: Treating Mental Illness
Democurmudgeon: Two Walker/GOP Myths Busted: Support for …
Let's destroy two intolerable Republican myths in one fell swoop. Myth #1: Republicans support returning veterans. Goes without saying, they've got their backs. Myth #2: Republicans support treating mental illness, the …
Video takes a bipartisan approach toward treating mental illness …
If you missed it, the short documentary film about mental illness, including depression and anxiety — “Opening Minds, Ending Stigma: A Young Person's Perspective” — that first aired Saturday night on WDIV-TV can be viewed …
“Talk Therapy Found to Ease Schizophrenia”
I have schizophrenia, and am on SSI. I get a certain amount of hours per year of counseling services. Ever since I got on SSI, I have used those hours to get one-on-one therapy. I do this in addition to taking medications, journaling, and doing other therapeutic activities. Now, in a new, large study, the […]
Psychiatry Can't Cure Mental Illness | Citizens Commission on …
“Treating mental illness rarely results in a 'cure,' per se.” He goes on to say that mental illness will spring back up time and time again, despite drugs and psychiatric therapy, which don't in fact do anything to stop the problem.