Category Archives: GAD

Is Sarah Palin Lying About Her Son's PTSD? Track 'Didn't See One …

Sarah Palin has been getting schooled by veterans who want to set the record straight about post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Now there is a controversy brewing about her son Track's tour of d…

Here's Why Mental Health Care Is A Real Issue In This Presidential …

Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) jumped at a chance to talk about mental health care during a presidential town hall event in Iowa hosted by CNN on Monday. “Mental health should be treated as part of health care, and should be …

Dreaming in Depression (and other mental illness) | Psychology Today

Depression, schizophrenia, and personality disorder have been associated with frequent and distressing nightmares, along with several other qualities of disturbed dreaming.

How Do We Measure Success In Treating Bipolar Disorder …

The current standard of care for bipolar disorder is to measure how long one can stay in remission. Many tools exist to help achieve such a result, and most people talk about remission as the ultimate goal of treatment.

Gun violence not a mental health issue, experts say, pointing to …

“Mental health stakeholders are loath to have this conversation about improving mental health care in a context driven by violence prevention, because that's not why we need mental health reform per se,” Swanson said.