Category Archives: GAD

Schizophrenia and a damaging blame game – The Guardian

Letters: Blaming parents for schizophrenia is a resurrection of the situation in the 1960s and 70s, when conspiracy theories to explain schizophrenia did enormous harm to already devastated parents.

This “Nashville” star candidly spoke out about her struggle with …

Hayden Panettiere is finally ready to open up about her struggle with postpartum depression, something several women experience after the birth of a child. The 26-year old actress has done a stellar job staying out of the …

Oliver James is wrong to blame parents for their children's mental …

To completely discount inheritability of faulty genes when analysing diseases like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder beggars belief.

2016 Triggering Hedge Fund Managers' 2015 PTSD | Dealbreaker

This year was supposed to be different. The ball was going to drop and we weren't going to talk about all of the terrible things that happened in the preceding 365 and then the market would open on Jan. 4 and bring forth an …

Brexit could undermine the rights of disabled people | Social Care …

The EU has given disabled British people vital rights – we must campaign to pull down barriers, not put more up.