Tag Archives: personality disorders

Captain’s Log: Status Update

Depression is a bitch. I’ve been thinking a lot about my life lately. Suicide feels more and more like a viable option as time goes on. People who say they love me and that I love in return keep telling me that it isn’t worth it and that everything will get better soon if I just keep at it. But what …

Mothering with an Invisible Mental Illness | Mental Illness in the …

I know you couldn't see my mental illness when you were sitting next to me at “Back to School” night. You couldn't see the medication I swallow twice a day, or the fourteen years of therapy that have equipped me to behave so …

Narcissistic and Antisocial Personality Disorders #Write31Days …

Welcome to day 13 in the #Write31Days challenge on mental health. Today, I'm continuing to write on personality disorders. Two personality disorders that are in cluster B along with borderline and histrionic personality …

What Causes Personality Disorders? – Highland Hospital

Research suggests that genetics, abuse and other factors contribute to the development of obsessive-compulsive, narcissistic or other personality disorders. In the past, some believed that people with personality disorders …

Personality Disorders | Universal Broadcasting Network

Right Click and Save As.. to Download. Show Title: Personality Disorders. Description: Personality Disorders: Tune in to hear Dr. Shirley and Medium Kellee discuss personality disorders. What are personality disorders you …