Tag Archives: personality disorders

Dual Diagnosis: You Must Treat the Addiction and the Mental Illness …

Dual Diagnosis can be difficult to treat. The best treatment targets both the mental illness and addiction components at the same time.

Using A 12 Step Approach For PTSD Recovery | Trauma! A PTSD …

Recovery from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) comes in many forms, one of which is utilizing the transferable principles of a 12 step program. Many of us who suffer from PTSD also suffer from addiction to drugs or …

Call for Papers: Personality Disorders and Health

Deadline: 15 March 2016 – This Behavioral Medicine special issue will examine the influence of personality disorders on health and behavior, with a specific focus on the role that personality disorders and their associated …

5 Reasons Girls Fake Mental Illness – Return Of Kings

Women are claiming to have mental illnesses and personality disorders at record high numbers. A girl is far more likely to be diagnosed with a disorder now than in previous generations. Recent studies have shown that today, …

Journaling And Schizophrenia Or Schizoaffective Disorder | Creative …

Continue reading:  Journaling And Schizophrenia Or Schizoaffective Disorder | Creative …