Tag Archives: panic-disorder

Everyone Needs Therapy: Schizoaffective Disorder, Ethics, and …

In schizoaffective disorder, a mood episode and the active-phase symptoms of schizophrenia occur together and are preceded or are followed by at least 2 weeks of delusions or hallucinations without prominent mood …

Capitalist Mudslide Continues: No Meds for this Panic Disorder …

In a real physical economy the lowering of the price of oil would be great for the working class and the middle class. Gas used for transportation is cheaper right now as well as all the products which are made from oil because …

Wedding planning with Panic Disorder – (Service) Dog in the Room

… have been all over the place. I wanted to share this because of two things, first it's a lot different then the normal bride panic and anxiety but also because it helped me to realize that not every panic attack or little anxiety is…

I Have Panic Disorder and I (Don't) Want You to Know About It – Don …

After my second hospitalization, I was diagnosed with panic disorder, with accompanying generalized anxiety disorder and social anxiety disorder. I learned that my body's physiological response is the result of childhood …

Medicalising, differentiating between major depressive and bipolar …

Many patients with bipolar disorder, a debilitating mental condition that can take a person from the sluggishness of severe depression to super-human energy levels, are often misdiagnosed as having major depressive …