Tag Archives: common

Crucial New Genetic Discovery Made About Schizophrenia – PsyBlog

The research involved 700 people who had schizophrenia and donated their brains for research after their deaths. Scientist have made a major breakthrough in the understanding of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a very …

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Tai Chi Relieve Insomnia | 英会話 …

To combat these two conditions, the researchers turned to tai chi, a Chinese martial art that emphasizes breathing and relaxed body movements. In addition, they also used cognitive behavioral therapy, a type of …

Teachers as first-line mental health awareness propagators

Nkwanta, Dec 21, GNA – A scheme to use teachers as first-line propagators of sound mental healthcare in the country, especially among children, youth and women, has taken off. The strategy, crafted by BasicNeeds Ghana, …

Helping police cope with PTSD | WREG.com

And instead of dealing with the emotional turmoil from those experiences, they learn to just "suck it up." After the recent San Bernardino mass shooting, an officer said it was like a horror story that gave him nightmares.

What is Social Anxiety Disorder, and Do You Have It? – Harley Therapy

Social anxiety disorder is not just shyness, it also involves worries and fears about social interaction that makes everyday activities a challenge.