Tag Archives: brain

Neurochemical Imbalance Linked with Susceptibility to PTSD …

Prior research has shown that people with PTSD have altered brain anatomy and function. In the new study, researchers discovered people with PTSD have an imbalance between two neurochemical signalling systems of the …

Study Shows How Our Brains Are Able To Multitask

Multi-tasking Michael Halassa If you’ve ever had to cook dinner, prepare for the next day’s work meeting, while also listen to a friend complain over the phone, then you know all too well the importance of multitasking. But what’s actually going on inside our brains that allows for us to strategical …

Wireless AI Device Tracks and Zaps the Brain, Takes Aim at Parkinson’s

Zapping the brain with implanted electrodes may sound like a ridiculously dangerous treatment, but for many patients with Parkinson’s disease, deep brain stimulation (DBS) is their only relief. The procedure starts with open-skull surgery. Guided by MRI images, surgeons implant electrodes into deep- …

How to Regain Your Composure When You're Having a Panic Attack

Last week, I experienced a panic attack for the first time. The scariest part, though, was that I was hopelessly lost for what to do. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, here are some tips for dealing with a panic attack in …

Bipolar Disorder In Children: Lithium Proven Safe, Effective For …

Using lithium to treat children with bipolar disorder is safe and effective in the short term.