Category Archives: Psychosis

How can NHS mental health services improve? Readers have their …

I would love to see NHS mental health treated with the same urgency as NHS physical health. I think mental health services should focus more resources on early intervention, and fundamentally decrease waiting times.

Language Matters When Referring to Mental Illness | Psych Central …

New research suggests even subtle differences in how you refer to people with mental illness can affect levels of tolerance. In a first-of-its-kind study,

Tools for growing up: the case for improving children's mental health …

Her GP referred her to City and Hackney Camhs (Child and adolescent mental health services), who were in touch with Natasha's father, Hugh, within a fortnight for an hour-long telephone assessment. Natasha then began …

Monoclonal antibody holds promise of reducing learning, memory …

Chronic learning and memory problems that plague patients with schizophrenia may have a worthy foe in a monoclonal antibody that also holds promise in the fight against cancer and is already used to treat a rare disorder …

Dreaming in Depression (and other mental illness) | Psychology Today

Depression, schizophrenia, and personality disorder have been associated with frequent and distressing nightmares, along with several other qualities of disturbed dreaming.