Category Archives: Mental Illness

Research Suggests People With OCD Are More Morally Sensitive

Part of my symptoms of OCD are moral (not religious) scrupulosity. So, moral issues, thoughts and compulsions have been quite common for me. However, research suggests that people with OCD and not necessarily scrupulosity are more morally sensitive than the general population. As Medical News Today reports: Morality problems cause much more worry for people with OCD (obsessive-compulsive […]

Know Your Stigmas

Recently, scientists set out to get a sense of the stereotypes and stigmatization associated with mental illness on the whole as well as stigmas associated with sub-types of mental illnesses. Here’s a segment from the study’s abstract: Study 1 demonstrated that the overarching category of people with mental illness was perceived as relatively incompetent, but not very hostile (i.e., relatively […]

Neologism | Encyclopedia of Psychology – Psych Central

View post –  Neologism | Encyclopedia of Psychology – Psych Central

Social Anxiety Disorder Treatment | Psych Central

Social Anxiety Disorder — also known as social phobia — is commonly treated by either psychotherapy or certain types of psychiatric medications. Social phobia.

The Myth of Mental Illness –

Most modern definitions of "mental illness" don't agree with the above traditional one — many now include the possibility that some mental illnesses have causes and remedies apart from psychological ones, but to date the implications of that …