Category Archives: Mental Illness

Lack Of US Support For Mental Health Care Criticized

America’s Failing Mental Health System

Time has a good article on some of the problems with the mental health system in the United States.

Why Diagnosing Adam Lanza Is A Problem

Augie Pantellas, a sixth-grader from Broomall, Pa., got quiet when he heard that the man who killed 27 people in Connecticut on Friday may have had Asperger’s syndrome. Augie, too, has Asperger’s. His mother, Michelle, could tell he was contemplating the news, comparing himself with Adam Lanza. “I turned to him immediately and told him, […]

Petition to Increase Mental Heath Services

In light of the recent shooting, I have received many petitions to sign. I have always been an active citizen, and regularly sign petitions. However, the recent incident has generated many petitions I do not wish to sign, for various reasons. I just signed this petition, however, because I would sign it any day of […]

Half of all police shootings involve people with mental illness

Once upon a time, you could be pretty much as strange as you wanted to be in public and people generally left you alone. Police might accost you to move along, but you never had to fear for your life from the police just for being homeless, weird, or acting erratically. Sure, they might take […]