Category Archives: GAD

Experiences of using Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services …

Following a national review of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) by a government taskforce, patient watchdog Healthwatch Derbyshire investigated what people think of the mental health services available for children …

Why America's Top Mental Health Researcher Joined Alphabet

Insel notes the obvious: wealthy tech companies have realized that health care is a bigger business than software and gadgets (it's about 20 percent of the U.S. GDP), and so it's one they should get into. But he says he also …

Generalized Anxiety Disorder – Center for Law, Brain and Behavior

Abstract: Research on future-oriented cognition in generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) has primarily focused on worry, while less is known about the role of episodic future thinking (EFT), an imagery-based cognitive process.

Mother's photo with newborn goes viral, raises awareness of …

Mother's photo with newborn goes viral, raises awareness of postpartum depression …. One of her friends just created a website called where women can share their postpartum stories. Haines said …

Brian Wilson partners with mental health awareness campaign …

The Beach Boys founder teams up with the Campaign to Change Direction to help raise awareness in the US of mental health issues.