Category Archives: GAD

Social Anxiety Affects Many Of Us, So We Should All Worry Less

Social anxiety can be easy to gloss over and poke fun at, but it can be a very serious affliction. What are the stats relating to anxiety disorders and how can you feel better if you're afflicted?

Brain's immune cells hyperactive in schizophrenia | Science | The …

PET imaging in healthy volunteers, high-risk subjects and patients with schizophrenia shows a stepwise elevation in microglial activity (in orange) as the severity of the illness increases. Image: MRC Clinical Sciences Centre.

Student Whose Army Dad Has PTSD Creates App to Help Vets …

A college student whose soldier dad was having trouble sleeping after experiencing combat and his friends are helping veterans with a new app that tracks their sleep. Macalester College senior Tyler Skluzacek and his team …

Local Coalition Wants Better Treatment For Inmates With Mental …

SEBASTIAN COUNTY (KFSM) — The Sebastian County Sheriff Bill Hollenbeck, other local county sheriff's and CEOs of community health facilities have formed a coalition to implement a stabilization center. The stabilization …

£2 million to transform children's mental health services …

The body that buys and plans much of Eastern Cheshire's healthcare is in line to be given up to £2 million to transform children and young people's mental health services. Subject to approval of its ambitious transformation …