Category Archives: GAD

Let's tackle mental health stigma and attract trainees to psychiatry …

Demand for psychiatrists is growing but the healthcare community needs to get its own house in order if we are to fill the gaps in recruitment.

Is perinatal anxiety a bigger problem than postnatal depression …

Soon afterwards – with physical problems ruled out – she was diagnosed with postnatal depression and anxiety. It was both a relief and a surprise. “I wasn't down or sad. I was hyperactive, constantly buzzing, on edge and …

Real Psychiatry: NEJM Review of Generalized Anxiety Disorder

There was a review of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) in this week's New England Journal of Medicine by Stein and Sareen (1). I just did a bit of a critical review of the concept here and thought I would look at what these …

Poorer areas need better access to mental healthcare

People who live in poorer areas in England are more likely to need mental healthcare but are less likely to access support and to recover from their symptoms following treatment, according to researchers at the University …

Haben Girma, deaf-blind disability rights advocate | PETER BOWES

Haben Girma, a deaf blind disability rights advocate, has a powerful message about access to education and technology for the disabled. Haben uses a digital Braille system to communicate and was the first deaf blind student …