Category Archives: GAD

people with bpd (borderline personality disorder) – THE WOOD ZONE

The most commonly used name today is Borderline Personality Disorder – or BPD – as defined in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic & Statistical Manual (DSM-IV-TR). The term "Borderline" is a historic term …

Risk of being killed by police is 16 times greater for those with …

According to a new report, half of the 7.9 million Americans with severe mental illness don't get necessary care – and are more likely to be harmed.

7 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me About Being In Love When …

Me and my boyfriend frequently joke about my bipolar and his anxiety disorder, and it's now one of the major ways we communicate about the way we're feeling. We're fairly unlikely to win any comedy awards for taking the …

The NHS is failing people with mental health and substance use …

People who have mental health along with substance use problems (known as dual diagnosis) have multiple needs, and yet struggle to find services to help them. Those with complex needs have often experienced a great …

Children on west side showing signs of PTSD in midst of shootings …

Shooting, drugs, and poverty are among the issues that are causing PTSD in kids on the west side.