Category Archives: GAD

Here's What 21 Black People Have To Say About Getting Therapy

Mental illness can affect anyone, but for people of color, the experience of the illness itself is often compounded (or even caused) by racism, microaggressions, and community-specific stigma. Racism and stereotypes about …

County, state officials meet as launch of Mental Health Court nears …

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Shelby County is just a month away from launching a new program that seeks to get nonviolent, mentally ill criminals help instead of jail time. On Thursday, different county departments and state agencies …

What PTSD Really Looks Like – BuzzFeed

What PTSD Really Looks Like. β€œIt may never be the same, but it can get better.” posted on Dec. 10, 2015, at 5:00 p.m.. Niki Ang. BuzzFeed, Video Fellow. Tania Safi. BuzzFeed Motion Pictures Staff. Tweet. Tumblr. Stumble. Bookmark it …

Brain's Signaling Systems Might Determine PTSD Severity: Study …

THURSDAY, Dec. 10, 2015 (HealthDay News) — People with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) appear to have an imbalance between two of the brain's signaling systems, a new study suggests.

How one gene contributes to two diseases | MIT News

MIT neuroscientists have shed new light on how a single gene can play a role in more than one disease β€” autism and schizophrenia. They found that different mutations of the Shank3 gene produce distinct molecular and …