Category Archives: GAD

Majority of students experience mental health issues, says NUS …

The survey, released as MPs meet to discuss student mental health, also shows 54% don't seek help.

This Is What It Feels Like To Recover From Maternal Mental Illness

Maternal mental illness is the No. 1 complication of pregnancy and childbirth in the United States. BuzzFeed Life spoke to a group of mothers about what it feels like to recover from postpartum depression and its related mood disorders.

IMPD Chief Rick Hite defends officers actions in shooting, calls for …

Goodlow's family members told Fox 59 he suffered from bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Chief Hite said this shooting highlights the need for more mental health services in Indianapolis. "We have to have again a …

Fire Kills 23, Injures 23 at Russian Home for Mental Illness Patients …

A fire swept through a Russian home for people with mental illnesses, killing 23 patients and injuring another 23, many of whom were unable to walk.

Helping police cope with PTSD |

And instead of dealing with the emotional turmoil from those experiences, they learn to just "suck it up." After the recent San Bernardino mass shooting, an officer said it was like a horror story that gave him nightmares.