Category Archives: GAD

Why Do We Fear Mental Illness? | Psychology Today

The instinct to avoid the topic of mental illness prevents many families whose lives have been impacted by it from talking about it.

Analyzing kids' hair may help predict risk of mental illness — RT News

Aussie researchers have found that the number and types of traumatic events experienced by kids earlier in childhood – such as an injury, severe illness and death in the family – correlate with the levels of the “stress …

Foreign Service Members Offer Candid Views of @StateDept Mental …

Posted: 3:04 am EDT The January issue of the Foreign Service Journal is out. The issue is focused on mental health care for the Foreign Service. Dr. Samuel Thielman, a recently retired regional medical officer/psychiatrist for …

Therapy wars: the revenge of Freud | Oliver Burkeman – The Guardian

The long read: Cheap and effective, CBT became the dominant form of therapy, consigning Freud to psychology's dingy basement. But new studies have cast doubt on its supremacy – and shown dramatic results for …

Therapy wars: the revenge of Freud | Oliver Burkeman | Science …

The long read: Cheap and effective, CBT became the dominant form of therapy, consigning Freud to psychology's dingy basement. But new studies have cast doubt on its supremacy – and shown dramatic results for …