Category Archives: GAD

Forget about a mental health revolution without new cash | Polly …

Suicide rates are rising, as is self-harming, with services so bad that lives are “put on hold or ruined” for lack of care, with mental health patients dying 15 to 20 years earlier than others. Beds are so scarce that 2,000 acutely ill …

BDSM and Mental Health – Huffington Post

A fair amount of mainstream media has portrayed BDSM as a perversion stemming from mental illness or trauma–one that offers the top an outlet for aggression and shame, or the bottom a means to perpetuate a cycle of …

'The PTSD stems from this dirty work': new film documents regretful …

Speaking at the Berlin film festival, documentarian Sonia Kennebeck discusses her Wim Wenders-produced film National Bird, which reveals widespread post-traumatic stress disorder among employees of the US's drone …

NHS mental health services: tell us your experiences and stories …

As a report describes the chronic underfunding of care and huge numbers of people missing out on treatment, we'd like to hear your experiences.

Evolutionary Physiology: Panic disorder with agoraphobia from a …

Recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (RDEB) is a genetic skin fragility disorder characterized by injury-driven blister formation, progressive soft-tissue fibrosis, and a highly elevated risk of early-onset aggressive …