Category Archives: GAD

Schizophrenia Tied to Much Higher Risk of Suicide Attempts …

18, 2016 (HealthDay News) — Schizophrenia patients are at significantly increased risk of attempting suicide, a new study finds. Researchers analyzed data from more than 21,700 Canadians, including 101 who had been …

9 Things To Generalized Anxiety Disorder You should know. – Cure …

GAD is characterized by an excessive, ongoing sense of worry or ruminative anxiety that intereferes with day to day functioning. It can first start during childhood or adulthood and must last at least 6 months to be diagnosed.

First Lady Chirlane McCray Seeks to Fill Cracks in Mental Illness Care

First Lady of New York City Chirlane McCray and Gary Belkin of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene discuss …

Approach mental health like cancer care: prevention is key …

For decades cancer strategy has focused on early prevention and diagnosis. Now we must do the same with mental health.

Duchess of Cambridge in plea over mental health as she guest edits …

The Duchess of Cambridge has called for the “taboo” of mental health to be broken as she guest edits the Huffington Post for the day. The duchess wrote that for too long parents have been “embarrassed” to admit children …