Category Archives: GAD

'Mental health is an easy target' says head of one of largest UK trusts …

View article:   'Mental health is an easy target' says head of one of largest UK trusts …

A Parent's Guide to Understanding Childhood Anxiety | World of …

There are different types of anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, separation anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and phobias. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).

Mental illness is always a problem, so we will always need books …

The current prominence of mental illness on bookshelves is good for all of us – so it's important that reading about it is not a passing fad, writes Joanna Cannon.

The Shameful State of the Mentally Ill in Our Jail System

In the United States, our system for treating mental illness is so broken that sometimes people with mental health issues will break the law so that they can get treated in jail. People used to think putting the mentally ill in …

Another hole in PTSD. | Dark Brightness

The idea of Post traumatic stress disorder is that there is a direct and causal effect between the trauma and the psychological symptoms it causes. This has often been challenged, as the current criteria for PTSD can include …