Category Archives: GAD

How Culture Affects Mental Illness: Do Crazy Times Make People …

The science behind America's deepening disturbance.

HHS awards $54.6 million in Affordable Care Act mental health …

Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell announced today $54.6 million in Affordable Care Act funding to support 221 health centers in 47 states and Puerto Rico to establish or expand behavioral health …

Supreme Court's Harris Decision Hurts the Disabled | New Republic

It's noteworthy that many of the nation's most prominent disability rights advocacy organizations signed an amicus brief supporting the state of Illinois in this lawsuit. Most are now very disappointed. Now that this partnership …

Brain Implants To Cure Mental Disorders May Soon Be A Thing

A Pentagon agency has earmarked tens of millions of dollars for research into brain implants that could help fight mental disorders. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is launching the five-year …

Military Funds Brain-Computer Interfaces to Control Feelings

A $70 million program will try to develop brain implants able to regulate emotions in the mentally ill. … you have PTSD, let's do surgery,' ” says Dougherty. β€œIt's going to be for people who don't respond to the other treatments.” …