Category Archives: Exercise

Shared Struggles, Shared Successes: Working at the Intersection of …

This post is courtesy of the Civil Rights Division. During LGBTI Pride Month, advocates, scholars, authors and artists joined officials from across the government at the White House Forum on LGBTI & Disability Issues.

Brain Implants To Cure Mental Disorders May Soon Be A Thing

A Pentagon agency has earmarked tens of millions of dollars for research into brain implants that could help fight mental disorders. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is launching the five-year …

Why Hospitals Are Failing Civilians Who Get PTSD – ProPublica

More than 20 percent of civilians with traumatic injuries may develop PTSD. Trauma surgeons explain why many hospitals aren't doing anything about it.

Exercise Does Not Help Depression

A new study debunks the popular belief that exercise helps depression. From the conclusion of the study: The results of this trial does not support any antidepressant effect of referring patients with major depression to a three months aerobic exercise program. Due to lower recruitment than anticipated, the trial was terminated prior to reaching the pre-defined […]

Social Anxiety Disorder: How to Let Go of your Fears! – Anxiety Coach

If you have Social Anxiety Disorder (also called Social Phobia), you fear situations in which others can get a good look at you, such as eating together in a restaurant, giving a presentation to a group, introducing yourself at a meeting, entering …