Category Archives: Depression

Discrimination, alcohol and tobacco linked to panic attacks in …

A new study has identified discrimination, alcohol and tobacco as significant predictors of minority Americans' experiencing panic attacks—fearful spells with psychological symptoms that last a few minutes and are often …

This Woman Is Taking A Stand Against People Who Say Mental …

An article in the Sydney Morning Herald gave advice to employers on how to spot an employee who might be "faking" their mental illness….

New model increases student access to mental-health services …

The new approach grew from a commissioned study by the University of Maryland a few years ago that identified the gaps in mental-health services in the school system. Vitti said it confirmed what administrators already knew …

Here's Why Mental Health Care Is A Real Issue In This Presidential …

Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) jumped at a chance to talk about mental health care during a presidential town hall event in Iowa hosted by CNN on Monday. “Mental health should be treated as part of health care, and should be …

Dreaming in Depression (and other mental illness) | Psychology Today

Depression, schizophrenia, and personality disorder have been associated with frequent and distressing nightmares, along with several other qualities of disturbed dreaming.