Category Archives: Asperger’s

PTSD is as old as the hills — Science of the Spirit —

Psychiatrists believe that what we now know as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is universal, and very old. Shakespeare wrote about the symptoms. So did ancient Mesopotamians and ancient Greeks. So did medieval …

Postpartum depression screening: Useless at best, problematic at …

The United States Preventive Services Task Force seems to feel that we have this necessary science under our belts in recommending universal screening for depression in pregnant and postpartum women.

The Postpartum Depression Screening Wars: Is PPD "Real …

Can we take a close look at the issue of postpartum depression screening in all its complexity in striving for the best outcome for children and families?

Dreaming in Depression (and other mental illness) | Psychology Today

Depression, schizophrenia, and personality disorder have been associated with frequent and distressing nightmares, along with several other qualities of disturbed dreaming.

How Do We Measure Success In Treating Bipolar Disorder …

The current standard of care for bipolar disorder is to measure how long one can stay in remission. Many tools exist to help achieve such a result, and most people talk about remission as the ultimate goal of treatment.