Month: October 2015

Kaiser Permanente Encourages Mental Health Awareness for …

After his wife died, Tom found himself in a very dark place and he didn't know how to get out. He knew

Kaiser Permanente Encourages Mental Health Awareness

After his wife died, Tom found himself in a very dark place and he didn't know how to get out. He knew he needed to do two things: Get a mental.

Demi Lovato Advocates For Mental Health Awareness in D.C.

“When I got diagnosed, it was a relief to know that I wasn't just being ungrateful, that it was actually me being sick,” Demi told U.S. News during her visit to D.C. Demi announced her own campaign for mental health awareness …

Mental Health Awareness – Andrew C. Thompson

Yesterday evening we hosted a Candlelight Vigil for Mental Health Awareness as a way to kick off the week in this area. The event was sponsored by Mental Health America in Northwest Arkansas and the Springdale Affiliate …

Low self-recognition and awareness of past hypomanic and manic …

In a reappraisal study from the Netherlands Mental Health Survey and Incidence Study (NEMESIS), we further investigated 40 respondents with lifetime bipolar disorder confirmed by the structured clinical interview for DSM-IV …