Month: October 2015

Sweet, Sweet Relief

Although I have blogged infrequently over the last nine months, looking back through the posts I can see what I already know — it’s been an up-and-down all-out battle. After months of ECT and hospitalizations and stays in the crisis residence and many med changes to count, I am extremely relieved to …


I get asked a lot about what it feels like to be bipolar. I explain that there are two sides – mania and depression. Depending on the person, they probably already have some personal connotation concerning the two. Those who have experienced depression relate, but mania is a whole different story. I …

Keeping Track of Bipolar Disorder | bpHope – bp Magazine Community

So how does this apply to living with Bipolar Disorder? I think it does directly. If you're like me then you've probably had any number of people telling you how to manage your BP and what you need to do to work on your …

The Strange, Surprisingly Effective Cure for Social Anxiety – The Atlantic

Hofmann: What needs to happen is that people should face their anxiety. What we do is called cognitive behavioral therapy, a non-medication option which is more effective in the long term than medication treatment. You try to identify what kinds of thoughts people have in these situations, what sort …

Reviewing CBT

There are multiple approaches that counselors may take when working with patients who have addiction issues. Many commonly used counseling techniques are forms of cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT. CBT is based on recognizing the relationship between thoughts, beliefs, emotions and behavior. The …