Month: October 2015

Unlock Brain Potential to Protect Against Decline

Our brain is probably the most neglected, abused and poorly understood organ of our entire body. While sports concussions and Alzheimer’s awareness are at an all-time high, many of us fail to protect our brain from potentially reversible decline. The No. 1 cause of cognitive decline is not the 13 pe …

Teens suffer from migraines

Teens suffer from migraines. A spelled out genus of therapy helps lower the number of migraines and migraine-related disabilities in children and teens, according to a unfamiliar study. The findings afford strong evidence for the use of “cognitive behavioral therapy” – which includes training in cop …

Technology needs a health warning

This week saw the publication of a new report from The Office of National Statistics looking at children’s use of social media. Researchers gathered data on screen use and mental wellbeing from over 20,000 children, parents and teachers. They found a clear association between longer time on social w …

Captain’s Log: Status Update

Depression is a bitch. I’ve been thinking a lot about my life lately. Suicide feels more and more like a viable option as time goes on. People who say they love me and that I love in return keep telling me that it isn’t worth it and that everything will get better soon if I just keep at it. But what …

Mental Health Awareness Week – University of Saskatchewan

The first week of November marks Mental Health Awareness Week at the U of S, an initiative organized by the University of Saskatchewan Students' Union (USSU) along with many other units on campus. “This week is not …