Month: October 2015

How a Nurse Practitioner Living With Bipolar Disorder Takes Control …

However, Ann writes so openly about living with postpartum onset bipolar disorder as a guest contributor on several websites and in her blog, Bipolar&Me. She dispels the misconception that people diagnosed with bipolar …

Still on the waitlist for better mental health services » The McGill Daily

Despite being a high-stress university, McGill has failed to provide its students with a sufficient mental health framework. Since The Daily last editorialized on this in October 2014, little progress has been made. Instead …

First responders more likely to face PTSD, help available |

First responders and military members are more susceptible to PTSD because of the situations they encounter, “people dying, injury, life-threatening injuries. This is life and death stuff,” said Bogle. She says PTSD is a mental …

Almost 2,000 waiting for mental health service, all-party committee …

Almost 2,000 people in Eastern Newfoundland are on a wait list for mental health services and an all-party committee agrees there needs to be action immediately. But the only guarantee for the next few months is more …

OSU: Another tragedy and the makings of a mental illness defense …

Bystanders help the injured after a vehicle crashed into a crowd of spectators during the Oklahoma State University homecoming parade in Stillwater, Oka. (David Bitton/The News Press via AP). Over the years, I have met …