Month: October 2015

No, Mental Illness Is Not the Main Cause of Mass Shootings in …

A Washington Post-ABC News poll on gun violence published Monday included a stark finding: "By a more than 2-to-1 margin, more people say mass shootings reflect problems identifying and treating people with mental …

Google's Latest Hire Has a Creepy Plan to Track Your Mental Health

Google's parent company Alphabet has just hired Thomas Insel, the former head of the National Institute of Mental Health, who has some pretty weird ideas about what his new job will entail. Insel told a crowd at Chicago …

An Instagram Battles Mental Illness So Beautifully It Became an Art …

Artist and photographer Melissa Spitz uses photography to capture her mother's mental illness. Her work was featured at Instagram #MyStory gallery.

WATCH: Peace, Love and Painting Helps Overcome Mental Illness …

PeaceLove Co-founder, Jeff Sparr, is a man on an audacious mission — a mission to make mental illness cool. Not cool to have, but cool to support. If you aren't familiar with mental illness it can be taboo. Jeff wants to change …

Mental Illness: "If Love Could Have Saved You". | elephant journal

The biggest reason I wrote this was because I hope to bring more awareness and understanding to the ambiguous and murky subject of “mental illness.” Because the truth is, my sister did not die of cancer or in a car accident.