I just read this damning report on the treatment of patients with schizophrenia in the UK. I’ve read that UK treatment of patients with severe mental illness was more progressive than in the US. I don’t know if that is true, but, if so, imagine the report the US would get. This article states that the “treatment” […]
Month: November 2012
Dissociative Disorder Fact Sheet
Today, NAMI put out a helpful fact sheet on Dissociative Disorders: What is dissociation? A number of people with mental illnesses experience dissociation: a disturbance of thinking, awareness, identity, consciousness or memory. Dissociation is more severe than just ordinary forgetfulness and is also not associated with any underlying cause of memory deficits or altered consciousness (e.g., […]
Can Youth Cannabis Use Lead to Adult Psychosis?
There’s been a long debate about whether adolescent cannabis use can lead to adult psychosis. Since a couple of states moved to decriminalize cannabis use, there’s a new article at Machines Like Us about the research on this topic. The ability of cannabis to produce psychosis has long been an important public health concern. This concern is […]
Know Your Stigmas
Recently, scientists set out to get a sense of the stereotypes and stigmatization associated with mental illness on the whole as well as stigmas associated with sub-types of mental illnesses. Here’s a segment from the study’s abstract: Study 1 demonstrated that the overarching category of people with mental illness was perceived as relatively incompetent, but not very hostile (i.e., relatively […]
Problems With A New Mood Disorder
Neuroskeptic has an interesting post about a new diagnosis, CMDD. Categorized as a Mood Disorder in the new, upcoming DSM, experts are calling out reasons why this may be a bad diagnosis, especially for children. Go to Neuroskeptic to read more.