Tag Archives: white

Presidential hopeful speaks out on proposed mental health cuts for …

It's unconscionable that as a result of the governor's budget proposal mental health services for Oklahoma children may get cut first rather than closing irresponsible tax giveaways to corporations. States need to invest more in …

OK Bell, let's talk about mental illness initiatives and your corporate …

Let's talk about how those two new workplace scenario commercials only reinforce the idea that it's unsafe to talk about mental health to your boss or co-workers, instead of establishing that employers in Ontario actually have …

What Obama's Gun Control Laws Mean For The Mental Health Care …

President Obama finalized a rule on Jan. 4 that allows health care providers to report mentally ill people to …

Changes in brain connectivity protect against developing bipolar …

Naturally occurring changes in brain wiring can help patients at high genetic risk of developing bipolar disorder avert the onset of the illness, according to a new study led by researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine …

Treating PTSD: psychologists look to the fear-reduction effects of …

American psychologists are hoping to treat veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with a recommendation so well-worn by family physicians, it almost seems mundane: exercise. The nascent field of research has …