The second-degree black belt not only instructs classes, but also helps veterans suffering from PTSD. “Some people preach from the pulpit, some people heal from the doctor's room, and I heal from the mat,” Gallegos said.
Tag Archives: study
Panic Disorder Linked to Physical Illnesses | Psych Central News
The researchers found a high association between panic disorder, bipolar disorder, and physical illness. Saliently, they discoverer a significantly higher prevalence of certain physical illnesses among patients with panic …
Social Anxiety Linked To Surprise Chemical Imbalance In The Brain …
Drugs commonly prescribed for social anxiety could be making the problem worse. Social anxiety disorder is linked to higher levels of serotonin in the brain, not lower as previously thought. People with both social anxiety …
Schizophrenia Treatment | Psych Central
Table of Contents Introduction Psychotherapy Medications Coping Guidelines For The Family Self-Help Introduction Schizophrenia.
New study claims to find genetic link between creativity and mental …
Results imply creative people are 25% more likely to carry genes that raise risk of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. But some argue the evidence is flimsy.