Tag Archives: string-from

5 Barriers Making It Harder to Get Mental Health Care If You're Not …

It's hard enough to get mental health care in the US – but do you know why it's even harder for people of color? These experts share essential information about what's getting in the way.

5 Ways Mental Illness Labels Have Helped Me — Everyday Feminism

When this author was diagnosed with a mental illness, she felt something you might not expect: relief. So instead of criticizing someone for using mental illness labels, find out how they can be helpful.

I'm Schizophrenic, Not a 'Person with Schizophrenia' — So Please …

“You're a person! You come before your disorder!” Have you ever wanted to correct how someone identifies their mental disorder? You might think you're doing the right thing. But check out this insider's view on why it's so …

No, There Isn't a Huge Crisis of Overdiagnosing Mental Illness – And …

Big Pharma is funding the misdiagnosis of mental illness so it can sell more drugs!” Here's why this message is more complicated than you think – and who it's hurting.

How Getting Diagnosed as Schizoaffective Bipolar Helped Save My …

You deserve to have the best possible life – but if you're anything like this comic artist was, you may not see a point in getting mental health care. Follow along with the steps Crass took to get psychological help, and you'll get …