Tag Archives: research

CBT Can Ease Heart Failure Patients' Depression | Psych Central …

A new study reveals that a cognitive-behavioral therapy intervention that targeted both depression and heart failure self-care was partly successful. Researchers discovered CBT was effective for

Cognitive behavior therapy intervention effective for depression but …

A cognitive behavior therapy intervention that targeted both depression and heart failure self-care was effective for depression but not for heart failure self-care or physical functioning compared to enhanced usual care, …

Iodine's new antidepressant tracking app sets sights on postpartum …

“We anticipate that there are experiences and concerns unique to postpartum depression, and that there may be insights about what works best accordingly. We'll share these learnings back to the community regularly. And of …

Why America's Top Mental Health Researcher Joined Alphabet

Insel notes the obvious: wealthy tech companies have realized that health care is a bigger business than software and gadgets (it's about 20 percent of the U.S. GDP), and so it's one they should get into. But he says he also …

Generalized Anxiety Disorder – Center for Law, Brain and Behavior

Abstract: Research on future-oriented cognition in generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) has primarily focused on worry, while less is known about the role of episodic future thinking (EFT), an imagery-based cognitive process.