Tag Archives: research

How to support a friend or family member with Postpartum depression

Postpartum Depression symptoms include struggling with bonding with baby, withdrawing from friends and family, worrying that you are not a good enough mother, thoughts of hurting yourself or your baby, intense mood …

The Personality Traits That Make Us Feel Like Frauds

At some point in your professional life, you’ve probably felt like a fraud. Maybe you were praised for something you thought wasn’t worthy of the accolades, or you maybe you were recognized in front of peers but felt unworthy, certain you’d soon be exposed as undeserving of the attention. You’re not …

At the Crossroads of a Genetic Puzzle

The most high-tech advances in genetic research are happening in the most unexpected place- the heart of Quiet Amish country. (Image credit: Clinic for Special Children at Facebook) Holmes Morton was wrapped up in a medical mystery. It was spring 1988, and Morton, a fellow at the Children’s Hospital …

Wireless AI Device Tracks and Zaps the Brain, Takes Aim at Parkinson’s

Zapping the brain with implanted electrodes may sound like a ridiculously dangerous treatment, but for many patients with Parkinson’s disease, deep brain stimulation (DBS) is their only relief. The procedure starts with open-skull surgery. Guided by MRI images, surgeons implant electrodes into deep- …

Technology needs a health warning

This week saw the publication of a new report from The Office of National Statistics looking at children’s use of social media. Researchers gathered data on screen use and mental wellbeing from over 20,000 children, parents and teachers. They found a clear association between longer time on social w …