Tag Archives: research

Mental Health Awareness Week – Student eConnection

Mental Health Awareness Week is a week long event hosted by Joe's PEERS and Student Wellness. Each day we will focus on a different area of wellness by giving out information and having fun activities to educate students …

The Teenage Brain and Schizophrenia – Neuroscience News

For around 1 in 100, the change in mental state is so marked that it will become difficult for them to distinguish their delusions and hallucinations from reality – one of the hallmarks of schizophrenia. “Schizophrenia is a …

The Unexpected Effect of Travel on My Panic Disorder | World of …

effect of travel on panic disorder I had my first panic attack when I was seven. I was watching a movie with my parents and brother when an invisible hand reached inside my chest, gripped my lungs, and wouldn't let go. The air …

A Fascinating, Heartbreaking Sequence About Bipolar Disorder

She shows up late at night at her mom's house and asks to go through photo albums — a request her mom finds a bit alarming. Carla explains that she wants to figure out exactly what happened that led her bipolar disorder to …

These brave mothers' stories must chip away at the stigma of …

This is causing a tragedy on an unbelievable scale: at least one in 10 women suffer from depression in pregnancy or postnatally, but only one in 10 of those women get the help they need. Even for extremely severe forms of illnesses, such as those depicted in … The two women featured in the documentary, Hannah and Jenny, both suffered a severe episode of illness known as postpartum psychosis. To show what this illness is, and why specialist treatment should be …