Tag Archives: professor

PTSD Center Executive Director Receives International …

Paula Schnurr, PhD, Executive Director of the Department of Veterans Affairs' National Center for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), was presented with the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS) …

How one gene contributes to two diseases | MIT News

MIT neuroscientists have shed new light on how a single gene can play a role in more than one disease — autism and schizophrenia. They found that different mutations of the Shank3 gene produce distinct molecular and …

'rescued' drug could be safer treatment for bipolar disorder

A drug destined for the scrap heap has been rescued by Oxford scientists, who may have found it a new role in treating bipolar disorder. A team from Oxford University, led by Dr Grant Churchill and Dr Sridhar Vasudevan of …

Submission: Professors must work to understand, help students with …

I wanted to talk to you about what this looks like practically, because, as indicated by your responses to her, I am led to believe you don't fully know what treatment for her mental illness looks like. My best friend's treatment is …

Reform model not yet helping people with mental illness

People who are diagnosed with mental health conditions did not see improvements in coordination and quality of care as hoped but did not experience large cuts in access as some had feared under an early alternative …