Tag Archives: process

Risk of being killed by police is 16 times greater for those with …

According to a new report, half of the 7.9 million Americans with severe mental illness don't get necessary care – and are more likely to be harmed.

Tackling Mental Illness, 'You're the Worst' Cuts Deep – Splitsider

Tackling Mental Illness, 'You're the Worst' Cuts Deep. By Daniel Kurland October 27, 2015. youre-the-worst-there-is-not-currently-a- 'Genie in a Bottle' is a recurring feature where each week a different bottle episode (an episode set entirely in …

Two Countries, Two Systems

“Social War never ends”, Graffiti in Santiago, 2015 Earlier this year, my father received a phone call from an old friend of his who operates his own business, a graphic studio/ print shop. One of the employees had been injured in a bike accident and he was going to take sick leave while recovering, …

How to Treat Borderline Personality Disorder (Part 2) | Psych Central …

This negative view is destructive to treatment. As soon as the therapist views the patient negatively, the therapist is feeding into one of the patient's unhealthy “modes” (see How to treat Borderline Personality Disorder (Part 1).

'Fargo' Star Kirsten Dunst: Peggy's "Mental Illness" Is Manifesting …

She lost someone who was probably the love of her life, then she married Ed because yes, they were friends, and out of love…but more like a family and a friendship. Her mental illness comes out — there are little clues in the …