Tag Archives: phobia

Meditation Can Help Soldiers Manage PTSD | Psych Central News

A new study suggests regular practice of Transcendental Meditation (TM) helps some active duty service members battle post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Researchers found that practicing TM reduced or even …

Borderline Personality Disorder | Psych Central

Borderline personality disorder is a personality disorder that is characterized by a recurring, long-standing pattern of having unstable relationships with others — romantic, friendships and with family members. It's marked by …

Elephant in The Corner: Social Anxiety – Wessex Scene

Social Anxiety, also known as Social Phobia, is one subset of anxiety disorder in which anxiety is specifically triggered by social interactions (or the thought of them.) The condition can ravage self-esteem and have a negative …

The Politics of Mental Illness: Chicken Soup for the Mind | World of …

Want a bigger head scratcher than your daily Sudoku game? Presidential candidates' ambivalence toward mental health. Forget defunding Planned Parenthood or denouncing the Syrian refugee crisis, presidential …

Report Implicates Societal, Health Care Systems In Early Mortality of …

In general, people with mental disorders tend to die decades earlier than the general population, mostly as a result of preventable and treatable chronic.