States cut five billion dollars in mental health services from 2009 to 2012, according to USA Today. A new article online in Annals of Emergency.
Tag Archives: panic-disorder
OCD, Social Anxiety Disorder, and Treatment | Psych Central
Recently, I've been reading some articles on social anxiety, and it struck me how many of the situations and symptoms reminded me of my son Dan when he was in the throes of severe obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Inability to 'read' faces may be inherited trait of panic disorder …
Canadian researchers found kids whose parents have panic disorder make more errors recognizing fearful faces, and misattributed fear and angry expressions as surprised. Girls also made more errors reading sad faces, and …
My Journey with Anxiety and Panic Disorder – Shawn Bellon
My Journey with Anxiety and Panic Disorder I'm persevering because I recognize that I am just as entitled to receiving help as anyone with a physical illness. I have a right to live a happy and healthy life.
My Demons and My Dog and This Anxiety and That Noise – Pacific …
Part of the diagnosis' ubiquity is due to the expansive varieties of the condition; beyond generalized anxiety disorders, there are various other more specific disorders that fall under the same umbrella, including panic disorder …