Tag Archives: panic disorder

Chronic GI Conditions Up Risk of Generalized Anxiety Disorder …

Canadian researchers have discovered that generalized anxiety disorder is much more common among individuals with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Specifically, people who have conditions such as Crohn's disease or …

7 Ways to Overcome Shyness and Social Anxiety | World of …

It is estimated that nearly 17 million American adults at some point will meet criteria for social anxiety disorder or social phobia. The number of adults who struggle with shyness greatly exceeds that number. Fortunately, there …

What Are Anxiety Disorders?

Anxiety disorders are the commonest psychiatric illnesses globally. There is no test for anxiety disorders like panic disorder, PTSD,OCD or social anxiety disorder and the diagnosis is based on a good history and examination. The signs and symptoms of anxiety disorders are often missed or explained away. Anxiety disorders are also commonly comorbid with other […]

Panic Disorder Increases the Risk of Adverse Birth Outcomes

Panic symptoms may affect birth outcomes and thus women should be screened for panic disorder during pregnancy.

Panic Disorder: Solving the Trick of Anxiety Attacks – Anxiety Coach

Panic Disorder. This site will help you understand Panic Disorder and show you how to recover. And, if you're like most people with panic disorder, you can recover. Panic is a very treatable problem. Panic attacks (or anxiety attacks – the terms …