Tag Archives: national

ASAN, Disability Rights Ohio, and National Federation of the Blind …

The opinion followed a petition that Autistic Self Advocacy Network filed along with Disability Rights Ohio, the National Federation of the Blind, and the Baltimore law firm of Brown, Goldstein & Levy, LLP. Seneca Re-Ad, a …

Mental healthcare should be 'digital by default', says SLaM CEO | IT …

Healthcare should embrace technology by default, Matthew Patrick, CEO of the South London and Maudsley Foundation Trust (SLaM), the UK's biggest mental health care provider, told IT Pro. Speaking at the Digital …

Anxiety Road Podcast: Episode 028 Social Anxiety Disorder and …

Episode 028 Social Anxiety Disorder and Relax and Sleep Well. It is a pickle; there are so many types of anxiety disorders so I'm am going to try to spotlight as many as I can. These will be focused episodes specifically for …

Study on biology of schizophrenia may help treatment | The …

NEW YORK — Scientists pursuing the biological roots of schizophrenia have zeroed in on a potential factor — a normal brain process that gets kicked into overdrive. The finding could someday lead to ways to treat the …

Scientists have finally found a biological process behind … – Gizmodo

Schizophrenia is a complex disease with elusive origins, but the mystery became much clearer today, when a landmark new study based on genetic analysis of nearly 65000 individuals pinpointed a specific gene and …