Tag Archives: morning

Here's How to Respond to Someone Who Thinks You're Faking …

"Good people have mental illnesses. We need them to feel supported … Not that their illness is not legitimate."

This Woman Is Taking A Stand Against People Who Say Mental …

An article in the Sydney Morning Herald gave advice to employers on how to spot an employee who might be "faking" their mental illness….

The Social Cure For Mental Illness | Allen Frances – Huffington Post

As Aristotle pointed out, we are social animals who can be fully human only when interacting with others. In the US, we worsen the symptoms of our mentally ill by neglecting their needs and excluding them from society.

Are Radicals Mentally Ill? | Dr. Peggy Drexler – Huffington Post

A study funded by the U.S. Justice Department found that "lone wolf terrorists," individuals motivated by the ideology of a certain group who act alone, are prone to mental illness, often acting from some combination of personal grievance … a public health one as well — certainly another reason to reframe the discussion surrounding the causes of terrorist acts, and to argue for an increase in the resources available for preventing, identifying, and treating mental illness.

Paul Ryan: 'We Need To Fix Our Mental Illness Laws' « CBS DC

WASHINGTON (CBSDC) — Newly-elected House Speaker Paul Ryan believes that Congress needs to work on mental illness laws in the wake of the San Bernardino massacre that left 14 people dead. Speaking to “CBS This …