Tag Archives: marine

PTSD is as old as the hills — Science of the Spirit — Sott.net

Psychiatrists believe that what we now know as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is universal, and very old. Shakespeare wrote about the symptoms. So did ancient Mesopotamians and ancient Greeks. So did medieval …

Veterans Are Pioneering Spiritual and Hallucinogenic Medial …

Regardless of one's opinion of war, most people can agree that taking care of soldiers when they come home is literally the least we can do. But soldiers are coming back with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and over 8,000 of them take their …

PTSD Is From B.C. | | Observer

Like most male citizens of his generation, Sophocles was deeply familiar with war and military life, as well as the challenges faced by veterans returning from deployment. In addition to writing tragedies like Antigone, …

Hidden Wounds: Vets Desperate for Mental Health Care

More than three quarters of them — 76.2 percent — said they are struggling with PTSD, and 35 percent said they've experienced difficulty getting mental-health care. Defense Department estimates put the number of …