Tag Archives: lucida

5 Ways the US Mental Health Care System Is in Crisis — Everyday …

Do you know how factors like access, jails and prisons, and costs have our mental health care system failing to provide the support we need? This will give you a good idea of what we need to change.

I'm Schizophrenic, Not a 'Person with Schizophrenia' — So Please …

“You're a person! You come before your disorder!” Have you ever wanted to correct how someone identifies their mental disorder? You might think you're doing the right thing. But check out this insider's view on why it's so …

No, There Isn't a Huge Crisis of Overdiagnosing Mental Illness – And …

Big Pharma is funding the misdiagnosis of mental illness so it can sell more drugs!” Here's why this message is more complicated than you think – and who it's hurting.