Tag Archives: king

Types of Personality Disorders: Cluster A, B & C – Suite

There are ten clinically recognized personality disorders, each characterized by socially abnormal feelings and behaviors that can create a life of instability.

Understanding the basic biology of bipolar disorder | UCLA

TV Needs to Stop Treating Mental Illness as a … – New Republic

Catherine Black, a celebrated neurologist and the main character of ABC's risible “Black Box” is known as “the Marco Polo of the brain.” That shouldn't come as much of a surprise: It is a truth universally acknowledged that a …

Bipolar disorder tore my friend's life to shreds — A… – Aeon

Bipolar disorder can rage through life like a hurricane. So why does the US healthcare system leave us to cope alone?

Has cognitive behavioural therapy for psychosis been oversold …

CBT is a recommended treatment for schizophrenia in the UK, but how strong is the evidence that it works? Keith Laws suggests it's not as strong as we might hope.