Tag Archives: hospital

Mental Health 911: Areas with most calls have fewest services | WBEZ

Big cuts to mental health services have left managing mental illness to some people who never set out to do that job. People like police officers and jail staff.

11 things to know about generalized Anxiety Disorder | Health Cure …

Generalized Anxiety Disorder. It's natural to worry during stressful times. But some people feel tense and anxious day after day, even when there is little to worry about. When this lasts for six months or longer, it may be …

Meet a Mother and Her 7-Year-Old With PTSD – ProPublica

Thousands of Americans in high-violence neighborhoods have developed post-traumatic stress. 24-year-old Aireana and her children are among the few who've been able to get treatment.

The Best Reporting on PTSD in Children Exposed to Violence …

When people think of post-traumatic stress disorder, they often focus on military veterans. But there's growing evidence that PTSD is also a serious problem for American civilians, especially those exposed to violence in their …

Bipolar disorder tore my friend's life to shreds — Aeon

Bipolar disorder can rage through life like a hurricane. So why does the US healthcare system leave us to cope alone?