Tag Archives: google

Online forums help Alberta Medical Association advocate for better …

A new online forum, AlbertaPatients.ca, set up earlier this year has received responses from people saying they struggle to access mental health care, and, once they receive it, the quality is less than ideal. The questionnaire …

Schizophrenia, Love, and Hypomania | Creative … – HealthyPlace.com

As if dating isn't already tough enough, schizoaffective hypomania makes dating and love even harder. Those of us with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder have a lot to deal with when dating. For example, there's the …

How Borderline Personality Disorder Affects The Brain – PsyBlog

Why people with borderline personality disorder have poor relationships. People with borderline personality disorder find it difficult to empathise, a new study finds. Dr Brian Haas, the study's lead author, said: “Our results …

Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder, and Ableism | Creative …

People with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder deal with stigma every day, but they have to deal with ableism as well. Ableism assumes that everyone functions at the normative capacity; and that's just not true, …

Bill Wilkerson's battle to cure mental illness | Ottawa Citizen

Bill Wilkerson put depression on Canada's corporate radar more than a decade ago, when talking about mental illness was taboo – even though it was the fastest-growing cause of disability, lost time and productivity in the …