There are rare types of GAD concerning brain and neurological disorders such as Adult ADHD, Alzheimer's disease, concentration disorders, schizophrenia, epilepsy and even a stroke. GAD or Generalized Anxiety Disorder …
Tag Archives: gad
7 Ways 2015 Was Defined By Mental Health – Huffington Post
For the nearly 44 million Americans who experience mental illness in a given year, 2015 could be regarded as a source of solace. This was the year that celebrities spoke up, research improved and more people started …
Teach mental health in primary schools, advisory group says …
Young people on NHS-affiliated panel say placing subject on national curriculum is key to helping prevent problems in later life.
Mental Illness on Television in 2015 | Flavorwire
Television's defining trait as a medium is its length. We spend anywhere from four to 24 hours a year with our shows, which breeds both intimacy (hence, "our shows") and inevitable frustrations.
What chance do care leavers stand, with support services being …
The cuts to mental health services for children leaving care is immoral and economically short sighted. This week's parliamentary inquiry must realise this.